
get static sites up fast w/ webpack, stylus, vue, coffescript, yaml

Primary LanguageApacheConf

What's included?

  1. Webpack builds and hot module reloading
  2. SASS or Stylus loading
  3. Coffee or JS loading
  4. Classic PHP for rendering
  5. YAML files for pseudo-DB content
  6. Boilerplate to get running quick


  1. Run npm install
  2. Run composer install
  3. Rename example.env as .env (this will not be committed to the repo)
  4. Edit the server details in .env
  5. If you haven't, run brew install ssh-copy-id
  6. If you haven't, copy your key to your remote servers using ssh-copy-id user@serverip


  1. Set up a vhost of yoursitename.dev in MAMP pointed to the /public folder
  2. Run npm run watch to kick off the hot module reload
  3. Go to yoursitename.dev
  4. Get to work.


  1. Run npm run deploy:staging or npm run deploy:production. Only files in the /public folder will be pushed to the server.


  • All content is parsed form YAML files within /public/content and set globally at your whimsy in /public/partials/content.php.
  • Meta can injected by setting a global variable $meta with keys for title, description, and image before requiring /public/partials/header.php. See index.php for an example. Default meta is taken from /public/content/global.yaml