
Empty Wordpress Sage theme with Backbone, LoDash, Require, JadePHP, and SASS

Primary LanguagePHPMIT LicenseMIT


  1. 'npm install -g npm@latest'

  2. If you haven't, run npm install -g gulp bower

  3. npm install

  4. bower install


  1. Set assets/manifest.json dev url for live reloading
"config": {
	"devUrl": "http://mysite.wordpress.dev"
  1. SASS will build from assets/styles/main.scss

  2. Require will fire assets/scripts/start.js

  3. Update the base URL for require in assets/scripts/main.js:

baseUrl: '/wp-content/themes/MY_FOLDER/assets/scripts',

Wordpress multisite setup for dev

  1. Create a local Wordpress network

  2. Setup MAMP subdomain wildcards as needed

  3. Activate thhis theme globally for the network in Wordpress admin

Wordpress Plugins

  1. Custom Post Type UI 1.0.5

  2. Advanced Custom Fields