
Scripts to keep a Casper Suite infrastructure going

Primary LanguageShell

Casper Suite Infrastructure

These are scripts of other items that help keep Casper Suite infrastructure running to my specifications and preferences.


Syncs a non-master distribution point from the master distribution point.

Tested on OS X v10.7-10.11 and ubuntu 14.04.3.


A LaunchDaemon to run dpSync.bash

I name this com.company.dpSync.plist and place it in /Library/LaunchDaemons/

Got a Linux DP? Run dpSync.bash via cron.


Create a Casper Suite distribution point on ubuntu 14.04.3

Tested Sections

  • Redirect output to log file
  • Install netatalk 3.1.6
  • Create and configure shared directory, accounts, and permissions
  • Share $sharePath
  • Create Distribution Point in JSS

Untested Sections

  • create ssh key
  • replicate from master
  • write cron job to replicate from master at 23:00 local time daily

Unimplemented Sections

  • write local script to replicate from master