
Casper Suite


Policy runs softwareupdateCheck.bash

  • Policy is run daily on all computers
  • If softwareupdateCheck.bash returns any instances of "restart", the swurestartrequired trigger is called. (via script)
  • If softwareupdateCheck.bash doesn't return any instances of "restart", the swunorestart trigger is called. (via script)

Policy runs

  • Triggered by "swunorestart"
  • Ongoing frequency
  • Installs all updates that don't require reboot (via script)
  • Submits inventory report (via script)

Policy runs

  • Triggered by "swunorestart"
  • Ongoing frequency
  • Has deferment counter of 4 (via script)
  • Executes automatically on the 5th run (via script)
  • Calls "swuwithrestart" trigger.

Policy triggered by "swuwithrestart"

  • ongoing frequency
  • installs all software updates
  • reboots
  • No recon (I collect inventory at reboot in my environment)