
Software for our DIY HomeKit-based Inline Switch

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Firmware for a HomeKit-based Wi-Fi inline switch based on Raspberry Pi, Linux & Node

Wi-Fi operation

hk-switch takes over control of the Wireless interface completely, using wpa_cli to pilot wpa_supplicant according to current requirements.

When the system doesn't have an Internet connection, hk-switch will automatically reconfigure wpa_supplicant to host an access point to which users can connect and configure the device. A Captive Portal is presented to users joining the setup network prompting them to supply Wi-Fi credentials.


We'll use forever to run the program all the time on our RPi.

Before starting, since hk-switch takes over control of the Wi-Fi interface, this can be a bugger to debug on Raspberry Pi Zero W (where there's only the WLAN interface and no other access). I would suggest using a USB OTG Ethernet adapter or at least having a keyboard & monitor connected while setting up.

  • Check out the project to /home/pi/hk-switch.
  • You'll need a few packages to get started - sudo apt -y install git libavahi-compat-libdnssd-dev
  • Ensure you have a recent (>8.0)) version of Node for the correct architecture (remember Raspberry Pi Zero W is ARMv6). Recommend obtaining that either using your package manger or as a download from the NodeJS website - https://nodejs.org/en/download/.
  • Install the dependencies with yarn install or npm install (prefer yarn!)
  • Install forever with sudo npm install -g forever
  • Add this line to root's crontab: @reboot NODE_ENV=prod PATH=/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin /usr/local/bin/forever start /home/pi/hk-switch/forever.json > /dev/null 2>&1
  • Reboot - remember when the system starts back up it might not be on your Wi-Fi network!
  • Check hk-switch has started with sudo forever list


More to be said here, but essentially to get started copy config.yml.dist to config.yml and modify it to taste.

See the documentation inline in config.yml.dist.