This is the Homebridge accessory for my little Arduino based Bluetooth temperature sensors that I wrote about in my blog post (
The Arduino sketch for the temperature sensors is included in the arduino
directory within this repository.
You'll need to use a Bluetooth frontend (like bluetoothctl
) to pair your HC-06-like devices, then use rfcomm
to bind the devices to Bluetooth serial ports:
rfcomm bind rfcomm0 00:11:22:33:44:55
Then configure Homebridge for each Bluetooth temperature sensor you've set up in ~/.homebridge/config.json
"accessories": [
"accessory": "BluetoothTempSensor",
"name": "Temperature 1",
"port": "/dev/rfcomm0"
You should then be able to start Homebridge and the accessory should listen for temperature updates from the remote devices.