
Web UI and Supervisor for Quectel_CM - Used on my 5G CPE project

Primary LanguagePython


Supervisor/administration tool for my 5G CPE. I'm using it with the Quectel RM500Q-GL but it may/should work with other Quectel modems, not necessarily just 5G ones.


  • Maintains a quectel-CM instance, which in turn maintains the packet data connection & IP setup. Restarts quectel-CM if connectivity is lost or it dies.
  • Serves a web UI (default on :8080) with simple controls and a status display of:
    • Serving cell statistics (including RSSI, RSRP, RSRQ, SINR) (which can also be sent to a statsd instance)
    • Logs from quectel-CM
  • Allows restarting of quectel-CM manually via the web UI

What this doesn't do:

  • Configure NAT/routing (use iptables to manage this according to your requirements)


  • Install pip3 dependencies for the application - pip3 install -r app/requirements.txt
  • Install npm dependencies for the web application - cd app/webserver/static && npm install
  • Copy config.yml.dist to app/config.yml and make changes as appropriate to your installation. Particularly the AT interface device file, APN details etc.
  • Install Quectel_CM and update the path in app/config.yml - this can be obtained from Quectel themselves

You can set the service up as a systemd service by adding /lib/systemd/system/quectel-cpe-webui.service:

Description=Quectel CPE Web UI

ExecStart=/usr/bin/python3 /home/pi/quectel-cpe-webui/app/main.py


Then enable and start the service with:

sudo systemctl enable quectel-cpe-webui.service
sudo systemctl start quectel-cpe-webui.service

There's also an installer script (tools/install.sh) but I'd only recommend that when starting absolutely from scratch.