
This a personal learning track i'm using to learn and improve on my knowledge of building APIs with DRF

Primary LanguagePython

This a personal learning track i'm using to learn and improve on my knowledge of building APIs with DRF

Steps to run the django project contained in this repo

  1. clone repo (or download manually) and navigate to folder directory on any CLI
  2. on the CLI, run pip install -r requirements.txt to install project dependencies into current working environment
  3. you may use any database of your choice(i used postgres)
  4. adjust the DATABASE settings located in the core/settings.py file to fit the your database of your choice.
  5. on the CLI, run migrations , with command python manage.py makemigrations followed by python manage.py migrate
  6. run python manage.py loaddata data.json to load the data.json into the database
  7. run python manage.py runserver
  8. study config/urls.py for url nagivations