
This script is designed to streamline the process of scanning a list of IP addresses from AbuseIPDB and extracting valuable information. It then organizes this data into a CSV file. This tool is incredibly useful for threat hunting and improving incident response times in cybersecurity

Primary LanguagePython


This script is designed to streamline the process of scanning a list of IP addresses from AbuseIPDB and extracting valuable information. It then organizes this data into a CSV file. This tool is incredibly useful for threat hunting and improving incident response times in cybersecurity.



Install AbuseIPdb with git

 git clone https://github.com/themalwarenews/AbuseIPdb
 cd AbuseIPdb
 pip3 install -r requirements.txt
 python3 AbuseIPdb.py <flag> <arguments>


 python3 AbuseIPdb.py -h

usage: abuse.py [-h] [-f FILE | -i IP | -b BLOCK | -cc COUNTRYCODE]
                [-c CSV | -j JSON | -l JSONL | -t TSV] [-d DAYS] [-x] [-v]

This program utilizes the Abuse IP Database from: AbuseIPDB.com to perform queries about IP
addresses and returns the output to standard out.

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -f FILE, --file FILE  parses IP Addresses from a single given file
  -i IP, --ip IP        lookup a single IP address
  -b BLOCK, --block BLOCK
                        lookup an IP block
  -cc COUNTRYCODE, --countrycode COUNTRYCODE
                        Select a country code to check IP range
  -c CSV, --csv CSV     outputs items in comma seperated values
  -j JSON, --json JSON  outputs items in json format (reccomended)
  -l JSONL, --jsonl JSONL
                        outputs items in jsonl format (reccomended
  -t TSV, --tsv TSV     outputs items in tab seperated values (Default)
  -d DAYS, --days DAYS  take in the number of days in history to go back for IP reports.
                        Default: 30 Days
  -x, --translate       By default categories are numbers, with this flag it will convert them
                        to text
  -v, --version         show program version

Scan a Single IP

python3 AbuseIPdb.py -i 

Scan a Multiple IP and output to CSV

python3 AbuseIPdb.py -f IPlist.txt -c output.csv

Scan a Multiple IP and output to JSON

python3 AbuseIPdb.py -f IPlist.txt -j output.json



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