Coding Quiz

Why I Made This and What I Learned

I made this application for my course as we were learning about web API's. I found this particularly hard as I felt lost a lot of the time and had to often look to the internet for help. I felt although the course and instructor has been teaching me a lot, it's nice to rely on myself to know that I'm capable of building something like this. With that being said, I've learned a lot with this project. I've learned about how localStorage works and how powerful functions can really be, as well as how important it is to think logically about the situations or difficulties that are put in your way as you're building something. I also learned that taking a project step by step is important and vital to the success of that project.

What this is

As described, this is a coding quiz that will take you through and ask you five questions. When those 5 questions are up, it will stop you and prompt you to enter your initials. Then, it will display your highscore.

Link to Deployed Application

JS Coding Quiz


Image of Deployed Application