The algorithm that will be used initially for this project will be Autokey Cipher
I would like to gain a deeper understanding of the algorithms that go into encryption and cryptography. I take an immense interest in cybersecurity and security research outside of development and to learn implementation of cybersecurity elements within development is something I'm very interested in. This for me is a stepping stone to eventually be able to develop tooling and other things that I and other people can use for security research.
[ ] Start With HTML
[ ] Style With CSS
[ ] Implement Reading Data From a Form
[ ] Push That Data From One Form to a Seperate One After Being Encrypted
[ ] Implement Input Form Validation and Other Securities As I Build The Application Further
[ ] Have A Select Drop Down That Allows You To Change Algorithm You Want To Use
Caesar Cipher
Vigenere Cipher
Railfence Cipher
Playfair Cipher
There is a possibility that I will become extremely engaged and really wanting to take this project to the nedxt level as it is something I am passionate about.
Image Encryption