
Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Azbug Tool Scanner

Build YouTube Video Likes Tweet

Current Release: v1.0 (2021.04.29)

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What is Azbug ?

  • Azbug is an awsome tool which is made with python 2 that is switching your manual recon (Discovering, scanning, fuzzing and full recon methodology and more ...) into an automated one, which makes your bug hunting and your life much easier.

  • Azbug is being developed by Trojan Kil3r Amazigh

Installation & Usage

NOTE: Azbug is made with python and requires python2 to run perfectly.

git clone https://github.com/amazigh-kil3r/azbug_scanner.git
cd azbug_scanner
pip install -r requirements.txt OR pip2 install dnspython
python azbug.py

What Else ? IF dns.resloved Module Not Installed ??

wget https://bootstrap.pypa.io/pip/2.7/get-pip.py
python get-pip.py
pip2 install dnspython
python azbug.py

  • If You Are Using Windows 7 Please Install This Cmder | Console Emulator https://cmder.net/

Video How You Install And Run Azbug Tool !


Why Azbug?

As we said this tool has multitasking that's why it's divided into four (4) sections:

  • Bugs scanning

    • [01] ~ Sql Blind Time-Bassed [GET]
    • [02] ~ Sql Blind Time-Bassed Via Header
    • [03] ~ Cross site Scripting [XSS]
    • [05] ~ Server Side Template Injection [SSTI]
    • [06] ~ Open Redirection
    • [07] ~ RFI & Local File Inclusion
    • [08] ~ Host Header Injection
    • [09] ~ Cross-origin resource sharing (CORS)
    • [10] ~ Server-side request forgery (SSRF)
  • Domain Gethering

    • [11] ~ Subdomain Finder Online
    • [12] ~ Subdomain Enumiration
    • [13] ~ Nmap Scan Ports Online
  • Fuzzing and Discovery

    • [14] ~ Status Checker
    • [15] ~ Path Directory Finder
    • [16] ~ SubDomain TakeOver
    • [17] ~ Scret Key Finder
    • [18] ~ Web Crawlers
    • [19] ~ Waybackurls With Filtres Links
    • [20] ~ Google Map Api KEY Scanner
    • [21] ~ Hidden Parameter Discovery
  • Dorking

    • [22] ~ Bing Dorker | Sub Binger

Azbug Scanner Screen


You have a secret payloads?

  • cool! you can add them easily by adding them into the script, it can be done with going to dictionary {} and paste them there, for example XSS:
  xss_payload = {"____________________secrect_payload": "_________response_keyword"}
  xss_payload = {"%3Cscript%3Ealert(1)%3C%2Fscript%3E": "<script>alert(1)</script>"}

what else ? you need to scan links with cookies ?

  • Remember , this small tool is only running with python3
  • No worries i got you ;) , i made a small tool that will help you converting your cookie strings into a dictionary ones.
  • So to use it simply run cookies_convert.py and paste your cookie string.
  • Simple example : copy cookies from burpsuite and paste it into cookies_convert.py you will get dictionary output result, copy & paste it into Azbug.py and Start Your Scanning Target.

How to use ??

How Convert Cookie String To Cookie Dictionnary


About List

Note: Don't Delete All This Files Names !

  • We Use Four (4) List Files In Azbug Tool Scanner
    • Url.txt [List Of Your Urls Do You Want To Scanning]
    • db/dorks.txt [List Of Dorks, Used For Bing Grabber]
    • db/wordlist.txt [List For Fuzzing & Discovering - Path Directory - You Can Add Your List As You Like] Length Lines : 9880
    • db/sub_name.txt [List For Enumiration - Subdomains - Sub Takeover - You Can Add Your List As You Like] Length Lines : 263014

Full Video Of How Using Tool Azbug Scanner :)

YouTube Video Likes

Watch the video