
An interview assignment for a company called LRNR (https://www.lrnr.us)

Primary LanguageTypeScript

Content Editor - LRNR Interview Assignment

Tech Stack

Below are the frameworks and libraries that are used in this project
Nextjs - A Production Ready React.js framework to create robust and fast react application.
TailwindCSS - A utility first CSS framework to build absoluely beautiful user interfaces
Typescript - A strongly typed language that build on Javascript
Tiptap React - A Headless rich text editor.
Recoil - A state management library built by Facebook

How to run locally or contribute

First of all clone the repo
git clone https://github.com/themashcodee/content-editor-ui.git

Then Change directory
cd content-editor-ui

Install the dependency
yarn install

Run in the local environment
yarn dev

Change anything in tthe pages/index.tsx file and see the updated changes on the localhost:3000
That's all you have to do test the application locally.

Folder Structure

  • components
    core - This folder contains all the common custom reusable components that are being used throughout the application such as head, header, tooltip etc
    icons - This folder contains all the svg custom reusable component that are being used throughout the application
    pages/home - This folder contains all the component used in the home page
  • helpers - This folder contains all the helper function that are common and can be reuse
  • hooks - This folder contains all the custom hooks
  • pages - This folder contains all the pages and api routes of nextjs
  • public - This folder contains all the public assets
  • store - This folder contains all the Recoil Atoms (same as redux slice)
  • styles - This folder contains all the css style files
  • types - This folder contains all the typescript types except Props (props type are defined in the component file itself)