
Demo Web App that showcases WaferDB

Primary LanguageJavaScript

WaferDB Demo App

A Demo Web App that showcases WaferDB

Demo Plan

  1. Delete node_modules/ so you can do npm install on the waferdemo

  2. Prove functionality works - open up 3 tabs and perform each CRUD operation with interface

  3. Pull open server output to prove it's true

  4. Kill the server and show a reconnect

  5. Show the file format of the server_cache_backup

  6. Run a stress test with a live graph to show performance

  7. Side by side with something that doesn't use wafer

  8. Run on AWS and show how many clients can use it - have teammates open 10 tabs each for a total of 30 clients connected

  9. Swap out redis for mongodb and perform CRUD

  10. Swap out mongo for a cloud service, pull open cloud service to show the data is there