
Learning new language is always fun! some familiar things some new things. This repository will get you started with "go-fundamentals". Some go-101 codes and theory around it.

Primary LanguageGo

Go - Funtamentals

This repository contains the go-funtamentals to understand the basic contructs of go-lang.

Go features 💡

  • Modern & clean
  • System language
  • Wide range of usecases
  • Strongly typed
  • Compiled
  • Concurrency support
  • Cross-platform support

Go Modules, Packages and Source-files Basics 🗒️

Installing go lang is very easy, just go to go install page and follow instructions.

  • package structure:

    |--- package
        |--- source-files
  • Create directory to start using as go module which will contain all the srouce code related to that module.

  • e.g. mkdir go-fundamentals this is my go module for developement.

  • To init the above directory to be work as go module you will need to initialize with module initialization command.

  • Use command go mod init {optional/package/name} this will create go.mod file with module name and go versoin used to create the module.

  • Create new directory to start using as go package which will logically group your source code files.

  • e.g. mkdir hello-world this is my go package which will have code related to hello-world.

  • Inside the hello-world folder you can have source files as part of hello-world package.

  • e.g. you can refer to hello-world/hello.go file is source code file containing the source code related to hello-world package.

Build, Run, Install Basics 🔧

Go provide different ways to bundle, run application. Depends upon the requirement you can use the any command to either run build or install your application.

  • go run {filename} will allow you to run the go source file directly.
    • it will build the application at temp location and then run it and clean the file
  • go build <optional|package> will create the executable file depends on the which enviorment you are building the source code.
    • by default takes the current package directory name, you can aleaways specify the name of file
  • go install <optional|packagename> will build and place the executable file in your $HOME directory.

1. Hello World 😄

  • Creating your first Hello World go code, first follow the packaging instruction above.
  • Now you have package with hello.go file created, to write you first code refer to hello.go file.
  • To import any existing package use import {package-name} e.g. import fmt so we can use the fuctions present in the package.

2. Variables 🔓 and Constants 🔒

  • Declaring variables
    • Any variable declared outside the function at package level must do it with var keyword. No non declartion statements at package level are allowed.
    • Varibale names should
      • start with letter
      • not be Go Keyword
      • not have any spaces
      • not have any special character
    • Good practices:
      • use meaningful names
      • keep short
      • can use camelCase

Keep first character of variable lowercase, else making capitalletter will make that variable visible outside the package it defined.

  • Example:
    var (
    name    string
    course  string
    module, clip = 2, 1
  • Scope of above declared vars is global in package.
  • Variable declaration inside the function
    • var description string this is if you dont have any default assignment to set variable
    • description := "this is go fundamental course" you can set the value directly to initialize.
    • operator := is short assignment operator used to assign the value to vars.

You can declare varibale at package level and not use is allowed. but if you declare variable inside the function you have to use the variable.

  • Values and Pointers
    • Go passes arguments by values and not by references
    • When you pass the var directly to any function its pass by value len(title)
      • To get memory address, you have to use & sign like fmt.Println(&title) will give something like 0xc000088250
    • Go provides pointers to point to other variables
      • Pointer variable e.g. var ptr *string = &title here * make the variable ptr a pointer var pointing to memory address of title var
      • *ptr will yeid value is hold by the variable pointed to which var ptr is pointing.
    • Pass by Reference
      • To pass the value as reference to function you need to use the &variable and in function you need to use the pointer variabel to reference the var like variable *type
      • then you can use *variable = {new valuue} to update the variable passed by reference which will actually update the value in original variable.
    • Constants in go
      • Contants can be created using keyword const in go
      • for example const speedOfLight = 186000
      • Once create you can not change the value of constant.
    • Enviorment Variables
      • You can access the enviorment vars using package os in go
      • which will allow you to read env vars.

3. Functions in Go (basics)

  • why do you functions? code reusability!
    • input -> Function -> output
    • Syntax of functions in Go
    func functionName(params, type) returnType {
    • above code snippet says, func is keyword to declare function followed by name of fuction. which takes parameters with its type then followed by the return type of function.
    • Example:
      func updateCourse(course string) course string {
        course = "new course"
        return course
    • You can refer to convert.go full running source file.
  • Funtion with Varying number of parameters
    • To create functoin which accepts varying params
      func varyingfuncName(param ...type) returnType {
    • Important part is paramName ...type is says it accepts the varying number of parameters. you can refer varying-params-fuction.go

4. Conditionals in Go (basics)

  • the if syntax evaluates the condition and executes code based on it.

    • conditional if else in go
    if userAge > 18 {
    • conditional else with if
    if userAge > 18 {
    } else {
    • if else with nesting of if-else conditions
    if userAge > 18 {
    } else if userAge > 15 {
    } else {
    • you can also declare the vars in if scope which only avaulable to scope of if else
    if userAge, requiredAge := 15, 18; userAge > requiredAge {
    } else {
  • Switch-case statements in go

    • Syntax of switch statement.
    switch <simple-statment>; <expression> {
    case <value>: <code>
    case <value>: <code>
    default: <code>
    • Go will not execute any statment after matching the case, so only matched case will be executed and if not match it will execute the default one.
    • Go will have default break for each case statement.
      • to override behaviour go provides fallthrough keyword.
      • which only applies to case statement its added, which will execute next case statememt only.
    • You can refer to runnning example of switch-example.go.
    • Multiple conditional match in same case statement
      • go provides the way to match the multiple conditionals in same case so you can group behaviour and reduce multiple case statements.
      • example: switch-multi-case.go
  • If with Error handling

    • if is most common way to handle error in go
    • error is defined type is go lang.
    _, err := os.Open("filename")
    if err != nil {

5. Loops in Go (Basics)

  • GO has only one loop keyword for which has many way to configure and use as required.
  • Syntax for loop
    for <expression> {
    • here if expression is true that means it will loop until the expression evaluates to true
  • Infinite for loop
    for {
    • here if we dont specify any expression in for it will loop infinite times
  • For loop with boolean expression
    • you can use for {expression_evaluates_to|true|false} to continue/break loop
    • example can be found at for-loop.go
    • You can also write the traditional for loop.
    for i:=0; i<10; i++{
  • For Loop with range expression
    • You can iterate over the range of items using for loop
    for index, item := range rangeVariable {
  • Break and Continue statements in loop
    • break is used in loop to stop the execution of at given statement.
    • continue is used in loop to go back and continue to execute the loop statement.
    • Example for brak and continue for-break-continue.go

6. Arrays and Sclices

  • for lists in go, all the data types stored in list must be of same type
  • For list of string all the data should be string type, similarly for numbers it should br int type data
  • Arrays : are like lists
    • they have fix size
  • Slices : are like arrays
    • but they are resizable
    • they are built top of the array
      • So basically no actual data is stored inside the slice, it is actually the pointers pointing to data stored inside the array
      • as they are pointers, dont store the data, its cheaper.
      • Initialization of empty slice
    varName := make([]<type>, <length>, <capacity>)
    • You can have slice of slices which creates futher smaller pointers of slice
    someSlice := []int{1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7}
    smallSlice := someSlice[2:7]
    • here we have to specify the [start_index:end_index] to create the slice, where end_index is excluded from the result
    • You can refer the more executable arrays-slices

this is very much similar concept of pythons list slicing. you can read more here!

  • How Slices are Dyamic (resizable)?
    • When the size of slice is completly filled, as it uses underlying data storage array, it will double the size of array and store the next element pointing to next position
    • You with slice you dont worry about the lenght of array that you need, you can use as resizable array data structure however in case of array you have to specify and create the size and have manually upgrade lenght do manipulations
    • Resizable better understanding execute resizable.go.

7. Maps in Go (basics)

  • Map is key-value type of data structure same as maps, hashTable in other languages.
  • It stores data in key -> value format.
  • initialization of map
    • syntax
* `<key-type>` must be **comaprable** data type, like it should work with `== and !=`
* `key entry` must be **unique**.
someMapVar := make(map[string]int)
* Here we have create empty map which will hold `string` keys and `int` values.
* Execute [maps-basics.go](maps-in-go/maps-basics.go) for more examples.
* Go maps Object will default return the data with `key ordered` way. like data is sorted based on `keys`
* Retriving data from map using `for` loop will return data **randomly**.
* Execute code [map-iteration.go](maps-in-go/map-iteration.go) to understand this.
  • add, update, delete and access value from the map
    • Adding new entry to map
      • Syntax mapVar[<newKey>] = <newValue>
    • Update entry in map
      • Syntax mapVar[<existingKey>] = <newValue>, if the key dose not exisits in map it will create new entry, else it will update the value.
    • Delete the entry in map
      • Syntax delete(mapVar, <KeyToDelete>)
    • Access any value in map
      • Syntax fmt.Println(mapVar[<mapKey>])
  • Execute the map-iteration.go to understand wokring
  • Map are reference types they will be passed by reference to function, so modifies actual data
    • so its cheap to work with as its only pointers are passed
  • they are not thread safe

8. Structs in Go (Basics)

  • struct is way of defining the custom data types in go.
  • For a basic person we can create struct like
type person struct {
  name string
  age int
  address string
  • Object Oriented in GO
    • GO does not have object type
    • Also it dose not have class keyword
    • No inhearitance support
  • Execute code structs-basics.go to understand more.
  • You can access the struct fields using . with var
    • person.name or person.age
  • To update the structs fileds data
    • you can use person.age = <new_age>

Pull Requests 🔀

Feel Free to update the documentation and add more relavent contents. Thanks in advance. 🤟