
A gameclient hooking framework to aid debuging

Primary LanguageC++MIT LicenseMIT

🔧 Ratchet

A game client hooking framework to aid debugging by embedding the .Net Core run time into the target. In this case Firefall, to all debugging and extensions written with the full power of .Net Core and C#

Can use either the C++ layer or the C# layer


  • Easy hooking from C++
// Define the hook
int HelpHook(int A1);
static Hooks::FuncDef Help("Help", 0x1248160, &HelpHook);

// Install it with

// Uninstall it with

// Handle when the hooked function is called
int HelpHook(int A1)
	printf("Console help function :>\n");
	auto ret = Help.Trampoline(A1); // Call the original function
	return ret;
  • Easy hooking from C#
public delegate int ReloadUIDelegate(int A1);

public static ReloadUIDelegate ReloadUICB;

[Hook(0x7E39D0, typeof(ReloadUIDelegate))]
public static int ReloadUI(int A1)
    Logger.Info($"OnRelaodUI A1: {A1}");
    return ReloadUICB(A1); ;

(Hoping to simplify that more too)

  • Easy bindings for C# / C++ interop
// Binding to a c# defined function
typedef void(*VoidFunc)();
BenchmarkTest2 = (VoidFunc)CreateRatchetDelegate("InterOpbenchmark2",		"RatchetSharp.TestLab");


namespace RatchetSharp
  public class TestLab
    public static void InterOpbenchmark2() // Some simple math


Binding a c++ function in C#

ExposeFunction("Log", (unsigned int)&Log);

void Log(int Level, char* Msg)


C# side

        public delegate void LogCBDelegate([MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.I4)] int Level, [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.LPStr)] string Msg);

[NativeBinding("Log", typeof(LogCBDelegate))]
public static LogCBDelegate LogCB;

LogCB(1, ":>"); // call it


  • After cloning the repo run the Setup.ps1 script as Admin to download and extract the .Net Core runtime files to the correct directory.
  • Edit the PostBuild.bat file to point to your Firefall install, your Firefall Client exe, and if you want it to launch when Ratchet is compiled.
  • Edit the Staging/Ratchet/Config.json file with your Firefall Client Exe name.
  • Then open the solution and compile the project, after the build all the needed files will be copied to the Firefall install and the game will launch if specified.

Future goals

  • Runtime script reloading
  • IMGUI bindings and Dx9 hooking for easy UI debug widgets
  • I'd like to split it off in to a more general purpose framework for easy use in other games / applications

Libraries / other projects used

This tool was created for educational purposes only and should not be used by anyone.