
Add better messages around using Flowbite in monorepos

mridang opened this issue · 1 comments

  • I have searched the Issues to see if this bug has already been reported
  • I have tested the latest version


When a CRA project using Flowbite is used in a monorepo setup e.g. NPM workspaces, the flowbite-react and flowbite packages get hoisted to the top-level node_modules folder. While the build (via npm run build), works as expected, the resultant CSS artifacts don't contain all the CSS.

This is documented in the library but requires a deep understanding of the CRA configuration to figure this out.

I suggest that better warnings be emitted or a exception be thrown if the required directory is missing.

* Path to `node_modules` where `flowbite-react` is installed
* ===============================================
* For monorepo setup where `flowbite-react` is installed in the root `node_modules` but used in `apps/web` directory
* @example
* ```
* // tailwind.config.(js|cjs|mjs) file
* // cjs
* const flowbite = require("flowbite-react/tailwind");
* // esm
* import flowbite from "flowbite-react/tailwind";
* {
* content: [
* // ...
* flowbite.content({ base: "../../" })
* ],
* plugins: [
* // ...
* flowbite.plugin()
* ]
* }
* ```
* @default "./"


I was trying to use React + Flowbite + Tailwind (using CRA) in a package which is a part of a NPM monorepo

That makes sense, I agree with ur suggestion.

I guess a section in the guides/create-react-app would also make sense here.