- 0
- 3
No force setting a cookie in localStorage when theme mode stays at default
#1512 opened by designtology - 0
Datepicker is generating TextInput contains an input of type text with both value and defaultValue
#1511 opened by zulander1 - 0
Avatar Dot indicator does't follow figma spec
#1509 opened by pkyPeter - 8
Theme briefly flashes light mode
#1506 opened by harrisonratcliffe - 1
Flowbite / Tailwind V4
#1508 opened by terza98 - 0
By hovering on Sidebar.Collapse, its showing a blank tooltip, even tough I did not add any text
#1507 opened by hamzaabaig - 0
Add Date Range Picker
#1505 opened by PrinceMakavana - 8
- 0
- 0
Difficulty in placing the righticon inside the Typeinput
#1502 opened by Davidonc - 2
TextInput as a controlled element by React Form Hooks: "Warning: A component is changing an uncontrolled input to be controlled."
#1501 opened by idc77 - 4
Support for workspaces with flowbite.content()
#1497 opened by sughodke - 4
Timepicker and a DateTimePicker
#1495 opened by ktalebian - 0
- 2
- 2
Add support for indeterminate progress bars
#1479 opened by mridang - 3
- 3
[perf] Export theme.ts / create-theme directly
#1489 opened by theogravity - 4
Provide clear option for TextInput component.
#1432 opened by QBT-VinayAdiga - 3
Carousel dragging on mobile does not work
#1450 opened by MarceCandil - 5
[Feature request] We need a new component <Table.HeadRow>
#1467 opened by raky291 - 0
- 1
Expose hide, show in Select Dropdown Component
#1482 opened by beatelite - 0
In RTL mode, the table head is not displayed correctly
#1481 opened by mramzani - 1
Improve component's documentation
#1478 opened by gabrielforster - 0
"Dynamic" line breaks in very long text
#1480 opened by senpro-ingwersenk - 4
- 2
Replace `react-icons` with `flowbite-react-icons`
#1477 opened by rluders - 2
[Feature request] Dropdown make the label optional
#1466 opened by raky291 - 4
Can we have an autocomplete input component ?
#1431 opened by shubhamCodeEngine - 0
Support yarn 4 pnp for tailwind content() function
#1473 opened by karladler - 2
Table Cannot set properties of displayName
#1472 opened by Bijig0 - 2
- 5
Datepicker duplicate month
#1456 opened by khareembld - 0
fix(Carousel): can't give dynamic children to Carousel
#1469 opened by kage1020 - 7
ToggleSwitch blue color is cyan
#1435 opened by vitalijalbu - 1
Add better messages around using Flowbite in monorepos
#1454 opened by mridang - 3
Light mode tooltips use dark mode theme
#1438 opened by lancegliser - 1
Access to older versions of the documentation
#1449 opened by lehelk - 1
- 2
- 0
- 7
Difficulty Overriding Default Styles in Flowbite React for Navbar Component
#1455 opened by avishkakavindu - 0
Button with gradientDuoTone has no outline or hover on upgrade from 0.7.8 to 0.10.1
#1451 opened by jessebs - 2
Build Process Fails Due to Missing Modules in React Client Manifest for flowbite-react Components
#1446 opened by itsbalamurali - 4
next.js/node_modules/flowbite-react/dist/esm/components/Navbar/Navbar.mjs#Navbar#Brand" in the React Client Manifest. This is probably a bug in the React Server Components bundler.
#1427 opened by prateekshaweb - 1
Release process
#1421 opened by nurey - 2
- 0
Datepicker Pops beyond edge of screen
#1422 opened by James-Wilkinson-git