
Broadcasts the Hearthstone rank of many users to browsers via websockets

Primary LanguageTypeScript

A tool for displaying collaborative inputs in real time, suitable for streams

Usage case for Hearthstone ranked

  • Each user can update their rank in their personal browser and the collective result will be displayed in one board with real time updates
  • This board can be seemlessly embeded into streams via chroma key (like OBS and greenscreen)
  • It was created for people racing to legend, but it can be used for multiple purposes

How to install the requirements/dependencies

  • Clone this repo
  • Download node.js
  • Install yarn
  • Install MongoDB
  • Install nodemon and ts-node with yarn global add nodemon typescript ts-node
  • Navigate to the api directory inside the repo with cd api
  • Run yarn to install the dependencies
  • Navigate to the web-app directory inside the repo with cd web-app
  • Run yarn to install the dependencies

How to build and run the server

  • Navigate to the api directory with cd api
  • Create an .env file to match the corresponding .env.example with your values
  • For running in the development build, run yarn dev. It will automatically restart when you make changes
  • For running in the production build, run yarn build, followed by yarn start. You can run both of them via yarn prod

How to build and run the web app

  • Navigate to the web-app directory with cd web-app
  • Create an .env file to match the corresponding .env.example with your values
  • For running in the development build, run yarn start. It will automatically restart when you make changes
  • For the production build, run yarn build. This will generate the static files which need serving
  • You can serve those files with any http server, like serve