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AboutA sample application that uses the gem Trackerific to track UPS, FedEx and USPS packages.
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ConfigurationThere are two configuration files for this application: One for production - config/application.yml - and one for development - config/application.dev.yml. The production configuration uses environment variables. For security reasons, the development version is ignored by git, since it contains the credentials provided by the various tracking services for testing.
Before you can run this app in development mode, you will need to create the file config/application.dev.yml, and populate it with your credentials. Here is a sample configuration file:
# app/config/application.dev.yml defaults: &defaults fedex: account: 123456789 meter: 123456789 ups: key: 123456789 user: 123456789 pass: 123456789 usps: user: 123456789 test: <<: *defaults development: <<: *defaults
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Sample Tracking Numbers¶ ↑
FedEx183689015000001 999999999999999
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UPS1Z12345E0291980793 1Z12345E6692804405 1Z12345E1392654435 1Z12345E6892410845 1Z12345E029198079 1Z12345E1591910450
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USPSEJ958083578US EJ958088694US