First iteration of personal website

Built with Jekyll and Gulp, hosted via GitHub.


  1. Install Gulp from favourite command line.

Getting Started

Make sure cd is set to folder the website template is in from command line, then:

  1. gem install jekyll sass bundler jekyll-minifier jekyll-sitemap
  2. npm install
  3. npm start

Web Address

You can either set to run off custom domain (change CNAME file in template to point to this), or run via GitHub .io address (change in GitHub repo settings, then change Base URL in template).

🎨 Color Reference

Color Hex
Green #393636 #393636
White #e6f1ff #e6f1ff
Light Grey #808080 #808080
Light Slate #393636 #393636
Slate #36363c #36363c
Black #000000 #000000