
A plugin to quickly switch between Sublime Text windows via Command Palette

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Switch Window

A Sublime Text plugin to quickly switch between open Sublime Text windows via Command Palette without having to press command ~ (MacOS) or alt+tab (Linux/Windows) repetitively.


Package Control

The easiest way to install is using Package Control. It's listed as Switch Window.

  1. Open Command Palette using ctrl+shift+P or menu item Tools → Command Palette...
  2. Choose Package Control: Install Package
  3. Find Switch Window and hit Enter

Manual Install

  1. Download Switch Window.sublime-package.
  2. Rename downloaded file to Switch Window.sublime-package (by removeing intermediate period)
  3. Copy it into Installed Packages directory

To find Installed Packages...

  1. call Menu > Preferences > Browse Packages..
  2. Navigate to parent folder


Package Control doesn't update manually installed packages.

Clone git repository

You can clone this repository into your Sublime Text/Packages


To find Packages folder call Menu > Preferences > Browse Packages...

Mac OS
cd ~/Library/Application\ Support/Sublime\ Text/Packages/
git clone https://github.com/SublimeText/SwitchWindow.git "Switch Window"
cd ~/.config/sublime-text/Packages
git clone https://github.com/SublimeText/SwitchWindow.git "Switch Window"
cd "%APPDATA%\Sublime Text\Packages"
git clone https://github.com/SublimeText/SwitchWindow.git "Switch Window"


Package Control updates cloned packages only, if ignore_vcs_packages setting is true or does not contain "Switch Window".


  1. Open Command Palette using ctrl+shift+P or menu item Tools → Command Palette...
  2. Type Switch: Window and hit enter

or hit ctrl+k, ctrl+tab in sequence to show the Switch Window Quick Panel directly.

Kind Info

The kind of a window is displayed via icon.

icon description
P A project/workspace is opened in the window
F One or more folders are opened in the window. The best matching one according to the active file is displayed in description line.
f A file is displayed in active view of a window, which has no project or folder open.
S An unsaved view is displayed in active view of a window, which has no project or folder open.