
Helper methods and utilities for getting the most out of Java's varargs

Primary LanguageJava


Helper methods and utilities for getting the most out of Java's varargs


Since Java 5, variable-length argument lists (or "varargs") have been available to developers on the JVM. Varargs have the potential to greatly simplify APIs through simpler method signatures, but often the code to deal with vararg parameters ends up being unsightly. For example, dealing with possibly-null varargs, zero-length lists, and specifying default values can quickly double the size of a method:

public void frobulateFooAndOptionalBar(String foo, String... bar) {


    if (bar == null || bar.length == 0 || bar[0] == null) {          
        frobulate("defaultBar"); // Default if no other bar supplied
    } else {

By contrast, here's the Argon version:

public void frobulateFooAndOptionalBar(String foo, String... bar) {


    frobulate(Argon.defaultIfNotProvided(bar, "defaultBar"));

Using varargs can make for great code reuse, for example in tests:

public void shouldTellAllSubscribersAboutCriticalEvent() {

    givenEventSubscribers(EventLevel.CRITICAL, tom, dick, harry);


    thenTheseUsersWereNotified(true, tom, dick, harry);
    thenTheseUsersWereNotified(false, bill, ben);

This style is both very readable in the test methods, but also in the implementation via the ArgonCollections class:

private void thenTheseUsersWereNotified(boolean wereNotified, User... users) {
    for (User user : ArgonCollections.each(users)) {
        assertEquals(user.isNotified(), wereNotified);

Note that ArgonCollections.each() guarantees to never return null!


Add Argon to your project's pom.xml (if using Maven) or add it to your classpath if using some other build tool such as ant.



Recognising the immense popularity of dependency-injection frameworks such as Spring, argon supports both "classic static methods" and "injected collaborator" modes:

Static methods:

Argon.defaultIfNotProvided(V... args, V default);
Argon.numArgs(V... args);

Collaborator (instance) methods:

private InjectableArgon varargHelper;

varargHelper.defaultIfNotProvided(V... args, V default);
varargHelper.numArgs(V... args);

By using Argon in the injected style, you can trivially mock out interactions when writing unit tests.


Argon has no external dependencies at runtime. If you want to build Argon from source, then the test scope requires TestNG and Mockito.

Building from Source

Argon uses Maven for its build system.

In order to create a distribution, simply run the mvn package -DskipTests command in the cloned directory.

If you have a site-local repository (such as Nexus or Artifactory), configure the site.local.nexus property in the Argon pom.xml to the correct location, and you'll be able to perform a mvn deploy to get the JAR into position for all site users.


Argon has 100% code coverage via unit tests, and this is enforced by the Cobertura code-coverage tool at build time. If you modify the code, you'll need to write one or more tests to cover it before the Maven build will pass!