
Wraps the Google Spreadsheet API (v3) for simpler consumption from Scala

Primary LanguageScalaMIT LicenseMIT


Wraps the Google Spreadsheet API (v3) for simpler consumption from Scala.

The Java API as provided by Google is quite tedious to use, requiring a lot of boilerplate method-calling combined with occasional "magic strings" to make it all work properly.

The intent of this library is to present a far-simpler view, where each level on the hierarchy of objects (see below) is an appropriate type from scala.collection.immutable, allowing idiomatic operations.

The Gasket Hierarchy

   [ Row ]

Rows are an artificial collection representing some-or-all of the Cells on one row.

What Could I Use This For?

The sky's the limit, and if you're here, you probably already have an application in mind. But a few other ideas:

  • Use a Google Spreadsheet as a source of app configuration data
  • Crunch spreadsheet numbers using the power of Scala
  • A straightforward and user-friendly way to feed tabular data into an application


Gasket is built for both Scala 2.10 and 2.11. Bring in the library by adding the following to your build.sbt.

  • The release repository:
   resolvers ++= Seq(
     "Millhouse Bintray"  at "http://dl.bintray.com/themillhousegroup/maven"
  • The dependency itself:
   libraryDependencies ++= Seq(
     "com.themillhousegroup" %% "gasket" % "2.0.90"

Granting Access to your app

Since May 2015, Google requires OAuth 2.0 authentication to access spreadsheets shared from Google Drive. As a result, Gasket 2.x has a changed Account API entry point, requiring a clientID string and .p12 file to gain access. Here's how to get these:

  • Register at [https://console.developers.google.com]
  • Create a new project for your project that is using Gasket
  • Under APIs & Auth -> Credential -> Create New Client ID for Service Account
  • When the Client ID is generated, also generate a P12 key, and download that to somewhere local

You now have all the credentials you need - here's where they go:

  • The first parameter to the Account constructor is the Service Account email address - it probably looks like 10788-xyz-123@developer.gserviceaccount.com
  • The .p12 file should be loaded into your project and passed to the Account constructor as a java.io.File handle
  • In Google Drive, share your target spreadsheet with the Service Account email address

(For more info, check out this Stack Overflow Answer)


Because many of the API calls can take hundreds of milliseconds to complete, the Gasket API is non-blocking, returning Futures from all methods. This lends itself quite naturally to working in for-comprehension-style, as shown in the examples below. The way into the API is via the Account companion object, and the most useful class is probably Worksheet, where the contents of a worksheet can be sliced-and-diced. All Gasket objects are immutable, but some offer an update method which will return a future version of itself after updating the remote spreadsheet.


(Taken from the ForComprehensionSpec which contains several more examples):

Getting the content of all the cells in a worksheet as a Future[Seq[String]]:

    val futureCellContents =
        for {
          acct      <- Account(clientId, p12File)
          ss        <- acct.spreadsheets
          ws        <- ss("Example Spreadsheet").worksheets
          cells     <- ws("Sheet1").cells
          contents  = cells.map(_.value)
        } yield contents

Getting a rectangular block of cells in a worksheet as a Future[Seq[Row]]:

   val futureRows =
     for {
       acct <- Account(clientId, p12File)
       ss <- acct.spreadsheets
       ws <- ss("Example Spreadsheet").worksheets
       rows <- ws("Sheet1").block(1 to 2, 2 to 3)
     } yield rows

This sequence of commands, if applied to a source worksheet that looks like this:

   1  2  3
   4  5  6
   7  8  9

Will return 2 Row objects:

Row: 2 3 Row: 5 6

Pushing individual values back into the Google Spreadsheet

Although Cell is immutable, it has an update method with the following signature:

def update(newValue: String): Future[Cell]

That is, it performs the API call to update the remote spreadsheet, and returns a future version of the Cell with the desired value within. Because it's returning a Future, you can even make it a part of a for-comprehension - here's an example where the first cell with value "0" is changed to have value "EMPTY":

   for {
     acct <- Account(clientId, p12File)
     ss <- acct.spreadsheets
     ws <- ss("Example Spreadsheet").worksheets
     cells <- ws("Sheet3").cells
     newCell <- cells.filter(_.value == "0").head.update("EMPTY"")
   } yield newCell

Adding a row to a Worksheet

Again although Worksheet is immutable by design, it has an addRows method with the following signature:

def addRows(newRows: Seq[Seq[(String, String)]]): Future[Worksheet]

The argument to this method is a sequence of rows, where a row is a sequence of (columnHeaderName -> cellValue) tuples. The new data is "played in" to the remote API, and then a new fresh Worksheet containing the new rows at the bottom is returned in the Future.

Still To Come

  • More updating methods
  • A Scala-idiomatic way of performing batched operations
  • More performance


If you see a TokenResponseException: 400 Bad Request containing the JSON:

  	{ "error" : "invalid_grant" }  

then you've supplied the wrong identifier as the first parameter to Account. It needs to be the "email address" as listed at https://console.developers.google.com/project/[YOUR_PROJECT]/apiui/credential.