
Turns maps into Scala case classes

Primary LanguageScalaMIT LicenseMIT


Turns Maps into Scala case classes.

Build Status

Getting Started

Including the dependency

Bring in the library by adding the following to your build.sbt.

  • The release repository:
   resolvers ++= Seq(
     "Millhouse Bintray"  at "http://dl.bintray.com/themillhousegroup/maven"   )
  • The dependency itself:
   libraryDependencies ++= Seq(
     "com.themillhousegroup" %% "sausagefactory" % "0.4.47"

A note on Scala versions

For versions up to 0.3.x: the library is cross-built for Scala 2.10.4 and 2.11.2, but 2.11.2 is highly recommended; a number of reflection features are used and scala-reflect seems to be much more reliable in Scala 2.11.

As of version 0.4.0 only Scala 2.11 is supported.


Assuming the following declarations:

   case class MyCaseClass(...)
   val myMap[String, Any] = ...

Invoke the CaseClassConverter on the map; it'll give you back a Try holding the result:

   import com.themillhousegroup.sausagefactory.CaseClassConverter

   val conversionResult:Try[MyCaseClass] = CaseClassConverter[MyCaseClass](myMap)

   conversionResult.map { cc =>
      println(s"It all worked! My case class is $cc")

How are fields mapped?

We're looking for exact-matches between the keys of the map and the field names of the target case class.

  • Fields in the map not found in the target case class will be ignored.

  • Fields in the target case class MUST be present in the map, unless they are Option types, in which case they will be set to None.

If you're having trouble getting things to line up (and you aren't able to change the map or the case class definition to compensate), check out the extension mechanisms explained at the bottom of this document.

Supported case class structure examples

    case class Basic(foo: Int, bar: String, baz: Boolean)

    case class BasicOptions(foo: Option[Int], bar: Option[String])

    case class BasicCollections(foo: Set[String], bar: Seq[Int], baz: Map[String,String])

    case class NestedCaseClasses( foo: SomeCaseClass, bar: SomeOtherCaseClass)

    case class NestedOptionalCaseClass (foo: Option[Basic], bar: Option[Basic])
    case class IterablesOfCaseClass (foo: Set[Basic], bar: Seq[Basic], baz: List[Basic])

    case class MapOfCaseClass (foo: Map[String, Basic], bar: Map[Int, Basic])

The above are just simple examples; Your case classes can be as deeply-nested as you like - Sausagefactory will recurse down as far as needed to instantiate nested objects.

I have special needs!

Don't we all. If you need to perform some additional adjustment/casting/conversion during the sausage-making process (that you don't think would benefit anyone else with a pull request!), there is an extension-point built into the process that will allow you to hook in and change what you need.

If you look at the signature for the CaseClassConverter object's apply method, you'll see that there is an optional second argument:

object CaseClassConverter {

  def apply[T <: Product: TypeTag](map: Map[String, Any]): Try[T] 

  def apply[T](	map: Map[String, Any],
    			converter: => FieldConverter): Try[T]

Where FieldConverter is a PartialFunction defined as follows:

type FieldConverter = PartialFunction[(Type, Any), Any]

The FieldConverter gets invoked once we've found a match between a case class fieldname and a key in the incoming map.

You might want to provide your own if (for example) you're getting a type mismatch because the map has a value of type Long but your case class expects an Int.

When you see PartialFunction you just need to read "match expression" - just provide a case for the particular situation you need to intercept; e.g.:

import com.themillhousegroup.sausagefactory.reflection.ReflectionHelpers
import com.themillhousegroup.sausagefactory.CaseClassConverter.FieldConverter

val alwaysMakeJavaLongsIntoInts: FieldConverter = {
    case (t: Type, v: Any) if (isInt(t) && isJLong(v.getClass)) => {

For more info, see the Example / test spec: CustomFieldConverterExampleSpec