TS Type Guard Generator


  • Select the entirety of an interface defintiion.
  • Open your command palette
  • Run the command Type Guard Generator
  • If everything was okay, the command should generate code at the bottom of your file.
  • Import the proper functions


  • Run npm install in terminal to install dependencies
  • Run the Run Extension target in the Debug View. This will:
    • Start a task npm: watch to compile the code
    • Run the extension in a new VS Code window


  1. Start with an interface like this
interface Person {
  stringName: string
  numberName: number
  booleanName: boolean
  stringArray: string[]
  numberArray: number[]
  booleanArray: boolean[]
  1. Select the entire interface
  2. Run the Type Guard Generator command
  3. Get a nice generated function like this:
function isPerson(value: unknown): value is Person {

  if (!isPlainObject(value)) return false

  if (!value.hasOwn('stringName')) return false
  if (!value.hasOwn('numberName')) return false
  if (!value.hasOwn('booleanName')) return false
  if (!value.hasOwn('stringArray')) return false
  if (!value.hasOwn('numberArray')) return false
  if (!value.hasOwn('booleanArray')) return false

  const { stringName, numberName, booleanName, stringArray, numberArray, booleanArray } = value

  if (!isString(stringName)) return false
  if (!isNumber(numberName)) return false
  if (!isBoolean(booleanName)) return false
  if (!isStringArray(stringArray)) return false
  if (!isNumberArray(numberArray)) return false
  if (!isBooleanArray(booleanArray)) return false

  return true
  1. Use your great new function when type guarding:
cosnt someObject: unknown = {}
if (isPerson(someObject)) {
  // someObject can be consider a Person

Required supporting code

To use the generated code you'll need to have all the code below in your project.


interface PlainObject {
  // Object.hasOwn() is intended as a replacement for Object.hasOwnProperty(). See https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Object/hasOwn
  hasOwn<K extends string>(key: K): this is Record<K, unknown>

export function isPlainObject(value: unknown): value is PlainObject {
  return !!value && typeof value === 'object' && !Array.isArray(value)

export function isBoolean(value: unknown): value is boolean {
  return typeof value === "boolean"

export function isString(value: unknown): value is string {
  return typeof value === "string"

export function isNumber(value: unknown): value is number {
  return typeof value === "number"

export function isBooleanArray(value: unknown): value is boolean[] {
  if (!Array.isArray(value)) return false
  for (const item of value) {
    if (!isBoolean(item)) {
      return false
  return true

export function isStringArray(value: unknown): value is string[] {
  if (!Array.isArray(value)) return false
  for (const item of value) {
    if (!isString(item)) {
      return false
  return true

export function isNumberArray(value: unknown): value is number[] {
  if (!Array.isArray(value)) return false
  for (const item of value) {
    if (!isNumber(item)) {
      return false
  return true

import statements

import {
} from "./type-guard.util"