
extensible OOP rock-paper-scissors game

Primary LanguageJava


Models the game of Rock Paper Scissors in OOP Java, in a manner that makes the game extensible and simple to grasp.

Play a game!


  • JDK12
  • Maven

Get you a jar with ./mvnw clean install and get busy by running java -jar --enable-preview target/rock-paper-scissors-1.0.jar

Design summary

Kept it super simple, only vanilla Java 12 and good old Junit 4.

  • Specific Games should be implementations of a Game abstraction. The abstract class should provide room for extensibility. Implementing different game modes or additions should not require a lot of changes in the Game class.
  • All Games need to be able to bootstrap themselves and keep their own score, as well as some history of what went down and a leaderboard. For now all this is in memory.
  • Players are a name and a move producing Strategy tied together, along with the option of updating that strategy. Current implementation has no-op in updating, but the scaffolding for that is there.
  • Rules, are how a round of a game is judged. How one produces a Result and what scores go with what rank.
  • Strategy is how the next move is produced and optionally a way to sophisticate that even further based on contextual information, like the history of a game.

Areas of improvement

  • Threading
  • Logging
  • Metrics
  • AI
  • Security

#Disclaimer Mocking input for tests and BoundScanners borrow heavily from similar Github implementations of RPS and Stack Overflow.