
Data tools (or, for friends, `d`) is a command-line-first data analysis library.

Primary LanguagePython

"d" for "Data Tools"

Data tools (or, for friends, d) is a command-line-first data analysis library. The goal of the library is to make data-wrangling tasks easy and promote code reuse. Each script is supposed to do one thing well, following the principles of the UNIX philosophy of "doing one thing and doing it well".

Design principles

  • The command line is your friend.
  • An extra command (and pipe) is better than another argument.
  • CSV and JSON get priority over other formats.
  • Always think of scalability and memory issues. Favour streaming algorithms.
  • DRY.

List of tools

All the tools start with the abbreviated name of datatools, which is d.

  • dbyrow performs operations between elements of the same row.
  • dcompute performs operations which involve one field of multiple rows (for example, the average).
  • dformat (TO DO) translate existing formats to a standard CSV format.
  • djoin performs equality joins between tables, both in semi-streaming and full-streaming fashions.
  • drandom generates random integer and float values.
  • dunique keeps unique values.
  • djsonexplorer loads a JSON document into a Python interpreter.