
ActorExtension for sending info to StatsD

Primary LanguageScala


ActorExtension for sending info to StatsD. Heavily inspired by the Play StatsD Plugin.


akka {
  statsd {
		prefix   = example-akka-app
		hostname = statsd.example.com
		port     = 8125


class ExampleActor extends Actor with StatsD {
	receieve = {
		case Like                 statsd.counter("likes")             // increment by 1
		case Paycheck(cash)       statsd.counter("balance", cash)     // increment by a fixed amount
		case TableReady(howlong)  statsd.timing("reso-time", howlong) // send timing
		case Temp(howhot)         statsd.gauge("temperature", howhot) // update a gauge

The counter and timing methods also support a sampling percentage if you don't want to send every event.