This code will shortly be a better working application that runs the the .php code from facebook youtube google and twitter.
The first stage was getting all the api code working. thats done
second stage make a working app that will also meet the requirments needed by google and amazon artificail intelligence. This app does that.
third stage is to impliment the app into the Artifial inteligence so that all api commands built into this app will be ran via voice. including such things as read facebook post. reply or make new post vis voice to text. upload pics, videos to all social networks via voice and optimise the web site and pics and videos to rank number one on google automatically.
the conscious app will handle everything it makes yor website it makes your phone app. you can use your phone also to all the app commands.
I have the app 90 % done. the app can be seen and used in demo at
it installs in seconds already has a lot of social api but nothing compared to what it wil have when i finish adding this app to it via artificial inteligence.
already the entity will do what i mentioned above but also make company logos. It also has built in photo editing and over 5000 stock photos. It makes site maps. handles all social networking. It does much more than I have listed here.
This is not a website nor app or phone app. It all those at once and so much more. This entity grows and learns. It gets smarter every time you interact with it!
I am only now making this public as I am close to completion. So close no one can beat to market at this point.
The reason i want make this public now is. Any one with any kind of brain can see what I have made is the future of the internet. no more web sites or apps all the headache is taken away and we all have internet entities to handle all our internet needs especilly business related online.
I am to consider letting people in on the project. Right now. I have a very large internet inforstructure in place but its time to bring some people on board if you can show me you can bring somthing into this project.
If you are looking tpo invest in something. Dont pass this up!! this is version 1 and it blows away anything on the net. It will get better and better.
helps get you started with a simple PHP Slim web service deployed by AWS Elastic Beanstalk.
This sample includes:
- - this file
- .ebextensions/ - this directory contains the PHP configuration file that allows AWS Elastic Beanstalk to deploy your PHP application
- index.php - this file contains the sample service
- scripts/ - this directory contains scripts used by AWS CodeDeploy when installing and deploying your service on the Amazon EC2 instance
These directions assume you want to develop on your local computer, and not from the Amazon EC2 instance itself. If you're on the Amazon EC2 instance, the virtual environment is already set up for you, and you can start working on the code.
To work on the sample code, you'll need to clone your project's AWS CodeCommit repository to your local computer. If you haven't, do that first. You can find instructions in the AWS CodeStar user guide.
Install PHP. See for details.
Install composer. See for details.
Install your dependencies:
$ php composer.phar require slim/slim "^3.0"
Start the PHP development server:
$ php -S localhost:8888 -t public index.php
Open in a web browser to view your service.
Once you have a virtual environment running, you can start making changes to the sample PHP web service. We suggest making a small change to index.phhp first, so you can see how changes pushed to your project's repository in AWS CodeCommit are automatically picked up by your project pipeline and deployed to the Amazon EC2 instance by AWS Beanstalk. (You can watch the pipeline progress on your project dashboard.) Once you've seen how that works, start developing your own code, and have fun!
Learn more about AWS CodeStar by reading the user guide. Ask questions or make suggestions on our forum.