This repository provides a sample Python web application implemented using the Flask web framework. It is intended to be used to demonstrate deployment of Python web applications to OpenShift 3 or 4.
Original code from:
This sample has been modified to be a sample Python application with Kubernetes Liveness and Readiness probes.
To deploy this sample Python web application from the OpenShift use the provided template.
Template parameters can be found here.
#Create the DEV project
oc new-project python-crash-me-dev
#To deploy the build components
oc process -f build.yaml -p NAMESPACE=python-crash-me-dev | oc create -f -
#Create the DEV deployment resources
oc process -f deployment.yaml -p NAMESPACE=python-crash-me-dev -p IMAGE_NAMESPACE=py-crash-me-dev -p ENVIRONMENT=dev | oc create -f -
#Start the build
oc start-build python-crash-me
#Rollout out the deployment
oc rollout latest dc/python-crash-me
#To simulate a rollout to QA
oc new-project python-crash-me-qa
#Create the QA deployment resources
oc process -f deployment.yaml -p NAMESPACE=python-crash-me-qa -p IMAGE_NAMESPACE=py-crash-me-dev -p ENVIRONMENT=qa | oc create -f -
#Tag the images from DEV to QA
oc tag python-crash-me-dev/py-crash-me:latest py-crash-me-qa/py-crash-me:latest
#Rollout to QA
oc rollout latest dc/python-crash-me
#Create the DEV project
oc new-project python-crash-me-dev
#To deploy the build and deployment components
helm upgrade --install python-crash-me .helm/python-crash-me/ --namespace python-crash-me-dev --values .helm/python-crash-me/values.yaml
#Start the build
oc start-build python-crash-me
#Rollout out the deployment
oc rollout latest dc/python-crash-me
#To simulate a rollout to QA
oc new-project python-crash-me-qa
#Create the QA deployment resources
helm upgrade --install python-crash-me .helm/python-crash-me/ --namespace python-crash-me-qa --values .helm/python-crash-me/values-qa.yaml
#Tag the images from DEV to QA
oc tag python-crash-me-dev/python-crash-me:latest python-crash-me-qa/python-crash-me:latest
#Rollout to QA
oc rollout latest dc/python-crash-me