
A simple package for uploading media and storing media urls in database

Primary LanguagePHPMIT LicenseMIT


You can install it via composer

$ composer require mustafaomar/laravel-fileuploader


Publishing config file fileuploader.php

php artisan vendor:publish --tag=fileuploader-config

If you intend to store urls in database via this package, you need to publish the migration and model

php artisan vendor:publish --tag=fileuploader-migrations

If you want publish all

php artisan vendor:publish --provider="FileUploader\FileUploaderServiceProvider"


disk: A filesystem's disk

model: The model class

url_column: The name of the column you want to store the image link


There are serveral ways to start using laravel-fileuploader

Uploadable trait

You can use Uploadable in your controller and we're done, you now have access to the uploader method, example.


use FileUploader\Traits\Uploadable;

class TestController extends Controller
    use Uploadable;
    public function store(Request $request)

Notice: This image will be saved to the storage, and to be more specific it depends on how you're configuring the disk option in the fileuploader.php and the default disk is public So, this file will be stored in: /laravel-app/storage/app/public/products/[hashname]

Getting the url

You may want to get the url to store it in the database, you can return the url as following.

public function store(Request $request)
    $this->uploader()->save($request->file('image'))->to('/products')->getUrl(); // /storage/products/[hashname]

Now you can use asset(URL) method to show this image somewhere.

You can also quickly pass the image to the uploader method as the first argument, and path as the second.

$this->uploader($request->image, '/products')->getUrl();

Using Facade

use FileUploader\Facades\FileUploader;

public function store(Request $request)
    $url = FileUploader::save($request->file('image'))->to('/products')->getUrl();

Using app and make method

Just wanted to mention that you can use make method to resolve the fileuploader from the container.

public function store(Request $request)

    // OR

Saving many files at once

You can of course, pass an array of images to the uploader method or using saveMany method, let's give it a try.

public function store(Request $request)
    $this->uploader($request->images, '/products');
    // OR
    $this->uploader()->saveMany($request->file('images'))->to('/products')->getUrls(); // Returns: \Illuminate\Support\Collection

Saving urls in database

You can save the files in disk and save the generated urls in the database with one line of code, just don't forget to publish the migrations

Notice: I assume you have a model for example Product and each product has many images, and in order make this work

you have to add a relation within that Product like so:

// Product.php

public function media()
    return $this->morphMany(Media::class, 'mediable');

Now you have to pass the newly created Product model to toDatabase method, see this example

Notice If you want to add other columns to media table feel free to do that, then you will need to pass these additional columns to toDatabase method as the second paramater

public function store(Request $request)
    $product = Product::create($request->all());

    $this->uploader($request->file('images'), '/products')
         ->toDatabase($product, [
            'other_column' => $request->other_column

Sometimes you may want to get the urls and do whatever you want with them.

public function store(Request $request)
    $product = Product::create($request->all());

        $this->uploader($request->file('images'), '/products')->getUrls()
             ->map(function ($url) {
                return new MyMediaClass(['media_url' => $url]);