
A simple software 3D renderer in Visual C++/GDI.

Primary LanguageC++MIT LicenseMIT


A simple software renderer for 3D graphics written in Visual C++ (Windows only). Everything is implemented from scratch (literally, from the putPixel function), including:

  • Vector/matrix manipulations
  • Orthographic/perspective projections
  • Affine transformations
  • Camera manipulations
  • Lighting and materials
  • Flat/Gouraud/Phong shading
  • Textures (with OpenGL-like wrapping mode)
  • Wireframe/solid modes
  • Primitives (cube, sphere, etc.)

You can add, manipulate and remove 3D objects on the scene. Some primitives are pre-generated (under the Generate menu), others you can load from .object files. You can find some example objects under GDIRenderer/objects.

This project is licensed under the MIT License.


The app was written as a university project in 2018 for the computer graphics course. If you're studying computer graphics or OpenGL, you might find this useful, however I don't update or maintain it.


Run the .sln file in Visual Studio and choose Build - Build Solution.

The resulting .exe file will be generated under x64/Debug/ (or x64/Release/).



Scene Egypt