EcoMarket 🎉

Table of Content 🧱


  1. Purpose
  2. Project Overview
  3. Project Scope
  4. Design and Implementation Constraints
  5. Used technologies
  6. Utilities
  7. Stakeholders


  1. Purpose 👽️

    This document is created to describe how the system will be made

  2. Project Overview 👔

    E-commerce is a way for businesses and consumers to sell and purchase products online. Instead of marketing products to a local demographic around a brick-and-mortar store, the potential customer base is much larger and can potentially be located anywhere there is the internet.

  3. Project Scope 🧐

    • Create a Mobile App for the end user
  4. Design and Implementation Constraints

    1. Mobile app: Native iOS app
    2. Back end : Softagi
    3. Design: Figma Link
  5. Used technologies 🏗️

    • Swift - UIKit - Unit Test
    • Design Patterns: Delegate - Router
    • Architecture Patterns: MVVM
    • Frameworks: URLSession - CoreAnimation
    • 3rd-Party:
    • Combine
    • Modern Concurrency
    • Dependency Manager: Swift Package Manager
  6. Utilities ⚗️

    • Xcode
    • Postman
  7. Stakeholders 🧑‍💻

    Name Role Github Linkedin
    Ahmed Yamany iOS Developer ahmed-yamany ahmed-yamany
    Ahmed Abo Elsood iOS Developer ahmedmohamedaboelsood ahmedaboelsood
    Mohamed Khaled iOS Developer Mo7amedkHAlED mo7amedk7aled
    Ibrahim Nasser iOS Developer thenasserr ibrahim-nasser
    Youssef Eldeeb iOS Developer Youssef0Eldeeb youssef-eldeeb
    Osama Elshora iOS Developer OsamaElshora osama-elshora