Django User App
A simple, reusable Django application that provides basic user functionality for a web app.
Clone the repository, and place the 'user' folder into your project alongside other applications. In a typical Django setup, this is usually in the same directory as the file.
Open your project's file. This may be in the project root as well, or it may be in the same folder as the file (typically a subdirectory of your project that has the same name as your project).
In your project's file, add an import for 'user'. Then add the following URL patterns to route URLs to the application file.
It is recommended that you use the patterns as they are listed here as that is the test configuration for the app. If you choose to use a different setup, your mileage may vary. Changing the accounts/login url requires some Django settings changes.
url(r'^user/', include('user.urls')),
url(r'^accounts/login/$', 'user.views.login_user')
You then need to add the application to the "INSTALLED_APPS" array in your project's file. Following that, you should be good to go. You will need to run the initial syncdb for Django if you haven't, but otherwise this application does not have any additional models.
For more information see the about page, which is linked in the footer of the user pages, and can be found in the templates folder with the filename "user_aboutapp.html"
Included software is distributed under the BSD license. See LICENSE for full license text.
Though not required by the license terms, please consider contributing, providing feedback, or simply dropping a line to say that this software was useful to you. Pull requests are always welcome.