
A Ruby GraphQL API server for a Twitter clone.

Primary LanguageRuby

To run app:

clone and cd into repository

in 'config/environment.rb' you need to setup a mailer system for signup verification - this app uses sendgrid - add your sendgrid username and password into the correct fields

in 'config/initializers/devise.rb' update 'config.mailer_sender' with the email address you would like signup verification to come from

in the console:

bundle - to install dependencies

rails db:purge db:create db:migrate - to clean out the database and create a fresh on

rails db:seed - to seed the database

rails s - to run the server

alternatively, add a user and a twoot:

rails c - to start rails console

User.create!(email: "hey@hey.com", password: "qwerty", username: "hey", avatar: "img_url")

Twoot.create!(content: "My first twoot", user_id: 1)

User.all - to view all users in db:

currently login and auth is a work in progress - the user and userEmail( 1, frank@frank.com ) has been set in: src/store/modules/twoots.js

api endpoint is http://localhost:3000/graphql

you can test and add data to the database in https://api.graphql.jobs/

this API has a UI at: https://github.com/thenderson55/ship-front