4WD RPI + Arduino based nodebot.
This is the robot used for my MelbJS presentation on nodebots and my WDC13 presentation on using the device API.
You can see a short vid of the robot working
This has really been built upon the excellent work produced by (Rick Waldron - Johny-Five)[https://github.com/rwldrn/johnny-five], (Julian Gaultier - Firmata for node and arduino)[https://github.com/jgautier/firmata] and (Chris Williams - Node serialport)[https://github.com/voodootikigod/node-serialport]. Without these libraries I'd be still building robots in C and Python.
Clone the repository, cd into it and then run npm install to get the dependencies.
Two versions are available the full web control version and a more basic CLI version that allows you to command the robot over command line from a repl. Use:
to see the various options.
To run the command line version:
node app-cli.js
Make sure you use advanced firmata on the arduino so you get pulseIn as an option.
Also make a mod to the ping library at line 47 to set maxListeners much higher.