
I hate Frontend

Primary LanguageCSS

I Hate Frontend

First of all I hate frontend, I'm forced to learn the basics of it that's why I make this repo to make some project using HTML CSS & JS.

0x01-Personal Website


0x02-Google Clone


0x03-Movie Site Clone

picture picture

0x04-Glass Effect Website

picture picture

0x0A Abeleton Clone

This is my first clone, it's just a beginner clone, it's not responsive at all, it took me 2 days to finish I struggle a lot but I finished it, I learned the box model, the position the grid and lot more. I'm proud of my self, because it's been just 1 week for me learning frontend and always remembe IHateFrontEnd.


Official Site: Ableton.com



0x0B Abstract Clone

Official Site: Abstract.com

go to my clone => myclone.com

0x0D Backstagetalks Clone

Official Site: backstagetalks.com