
A Xcode template that builds a dynamic library but don't require mobile substrate.

MIT LicenseMIT


A Xcode template that builds a dynamic library but don't require mobile substrate.

Installation for XCode

  1. Download or clone the repository
  2. Move the folder Dynamic Hook.xctemplate in the repository into the /opt/iOSOpenDev/templates
  3. In Xcode, check that installation was successful by creating a New Project (⌘⇧N), and checking for the iOSOpenDev section under iOS.

Write code

Create package and etc.

Install dylib On Device

  1. using scp or iFunBox whatever, upload your dylib file to your device
  2. DYLD_INSERT_LIBRARIES=path to your dylib file
  3. Respring


just delete it from your device.





Dynamic Hook Template is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.