My name is Nguyen (Johnny), I'm a software engineer mainly interested in web development. Some of my interests are LAMP stack and development process. In my blog i think i can share my thought, notes and practice writing skill.

My passion builds a lot of beautiful products, from idea to shipping the final. I care about the full stack, consists system architecture, back-end and front-end work.


  • Optimistic and hardworking
  • More than 8 years of experience in web development (LAMP stack) and Golang, with both monolithic and microservice architecture.
  • Languages, frameworks: Golang, PHP Laravel, PHP Magento 2 and basic in ReactJS.
  • Databases: MySQL, MongoDB, Elasticsearch.
  • 3 years of experience to lead a team with size 4 members.
  • Experience to ship and operate many products to the production (AWS Cloud environment)
  • Enjoy working with Agile/Scrum development process and get an Agile certificate of Agile Vietnam.
  • Experience to profile and improve performance and security for web application.
  • Experience in scalable architecture, CI/CD and testing in development cycle.
  • Basic in RESTful, MicroService, Docker and Cloud Services.


Zalora Group - Senior software engineer

Mar 2020 - present

Fossil Vietnam - Senior developer/SubLead Web/E-commerce team

_August 2017 - August 2019

Project: Skagen - E-commerce website

Role & Achievement:

  • Wear in hat of Scrum master, release management, technical lead.
  • Migrating the current website from WebSphere Commerce to Magento 2
  • Integration the website with SAP, the payment gateway, Power Review for rating service, Social Content service (Curalate), Salesforce Marketing Cloud,...
  • Working with DevOps team to create a Showroom environment that is support for functional testing. This environment will get continuous integration techniques for building an independent environment for every feature of every engineer.
  • Working with a Project Manager to analyze the requirement from the business team and design a technical specification document for developing.
  • Improving performance and security for the E-commerce site.
  • Understanding Unit testing and CI are the most important in the development cycle. They will increase the quality and velocity of a Sprint.

Rainbow software - Senior developer

August 2016 - August 2017

Project: One-Lotto - Purchase lottery tickets online

Role & Achievement:

  • Create blank source code with Laravel and choose technicals use on project.
  • Defined git workflow on bitbucket.
  • Build hedging and winning scan module.
  • Setting up continuous integration with Jenkin.
  • Understanding database versioning management process.

Seldat VietNam ​ — ​ Senior developer

March 2015 - August 2016

Project: Seldat B2B eCommerce

Role & Achievement:

  • Build product management feature.
  • Lead team (2 members) build purchase order feature.
  • Improve performance for website (reducing loading time, caching, work with worker, message queue, NoSql).
  • Understanding human psychology in Agile/Scrum process and the way build a team to archive a goal.
  • In an effective team, members need to share their commitment together to achieving the common goal.
  • High quality product is high quality team, so need sharing mindset “How to create a good product”.

SSGroup ​ — ​ Developer

April 2012 - March 2015


  • Game portal;
  • Code bank (supplying gift code for gamer);
  • Widget banner for advertising.
  • Promotion platform with mini-games.

Role & Achievement:

  • Write software development kit (SDK), document and support integration with third parties.
  • Increase performance load website on client and server.
  • Experience in load balancing, content delivery network, replicate model.
  • Understanding responsibility of technical team with a product, there are: quality, load capacity, tracking healthy of product.


SaiGon Technology University ​ — ​ Bachelor

Oct 2007 - Nov 2011

Specialization: Information technology


Back-end: ​ LAMP, Laravel, Zend , ​ Magento, Restful, PHP-Unit

Front-end: ​ AngularJS, VueJS, Jquery, Bootstrap css

Server: ​ Ubuntu, Nginx, AWS-EC2, AWS-S3, AWS-CDN

Performance: ​ Load balancing with hr-Proxy, Profiler PHP with Xhprof, Redis, Memcached, MongoDB, Rabbit MQ, Elastic search, Kibana, Log stash

Other: ​ GIT, SVN, Bitbucket


If you want to contact or hire me for your project, you can reach me via: