
A Shopping Web App Made for CS-F213 Object Oriented Programming Course

Primary LanguageJavaScript



NOTE: (Updated in 2023) If you are planning on copying as it is, I would advice you to atleast go through the documentation for spring because your oops project will actually go a long way in your future. Take this as an advice your senior gives


  • Has a frontend made using React JS + Tailwind CSS
  • Supports payments using a custom system
  • Has coupon code functionality
  • Dockerized and ready to scale up whenever needed
  • Support for email notifications
  • User can order, cancel and check status of order
  • Manager can add products, check orders and delete orders
  • Admin can add and delete users, managers, check orders, and inventory
  • Forgot password feature was also implemented
  • Connected with a MySQL Database
  • Passwords were encrypted using bcrypt


Postman -> https://www.postman.com/joint-operations-observer-50626032/workspace/oopsie
JPA Repositories -> https://docs.spring.io/spring-data/jpa/docs/1.6.0.RELEASE/reference/html/jpa.repositories.html
REST -> https://spring.io/guides/gs/rest-service/
Java Spring -> https://www.twilio.com/blog/create-rest-apis-java-spring-boot \

Running Frontend

All these commands are to be run from /frontend folder npm install -> Installs Packages for the project
npm start -> Runs the app in the development mode.
Open http://localhost:3000 to view it in your browser.

Running Backend

  1. cd Server
  2. ./gradlew bootRun
  3. You might have to change variables in the application.properties so that it works for your local database
  4. The server runs at SERVER_URL

Extra Setup Guide

  1. Install Mamp and create a database called oopsie in PHPMyAdmin, with username as mamp and password as Admin@123 The initial parts of this video can be helpful
  2. Install Postman and check all the requests the server accepts. I ensured all of the responses had examples as well. Postman
  3. Link frontend and backend using fetch requests and converting them to JSON on the frontend

Can refer to these files: https://github.com/Divyateja04/Oopsie/commit/15e5f0eb798d2e3af9d72c8beea4866d25aee481

We send a request to the backend, then get that response and process it in the backend. The Syntax for a standard fetch statement is(in our case)

          method: "POST",
          body: JSON.stringify(
              emailId: email,
              password: password
          headers: {
            'Content-Type': 'application/json',
        .then(rawResponse => rawResponse.json())
        .then(resp => {
          if(resp.error != null){

          if (resp.emailId === email) {
            //If we got a response from server with email
            //He can be logged in
            if (resp.isAdmin === true) {
              //Change Admin Status is it's an admin
            if (resp.isManager === true) {
              //Change Admin Status is it's an admin
              if(resp.isApproved === true){
            //Passing the money to the set money function
            dispatch(setMoney({ money: resp.money || 0 }));
            //Set the fetching status to false so that button is not disabled
            //Using localstorage to set items
            localStorage.setItem("user", resp);
        .catch(err => {
          console.log("Error Occured")
          //Set the fetching status to false so that button is not disabled