AngularJS directive to check if a DOM element is in the browser viewport.
- 2
Minification using Grunt Build (usemin) breaks app
#105 opened by nroma - 1
- 2
does this actually require 1.5.8
#125 opened by richsoni - 1
Bower Version
#120 opened by Frigeon - 3
2.2.0 is not published to npm
#130 opened by szimek - 2
arrow functions not supported
#148 opened by bezzad - 8
[3.0.0] Syntax Error
#139 opened by regnete - 4
What are the breaking changes in v3.0.0?
#141 opened by jwhitmarsh - 0
Dispose after first call
#144 opened by Kezino - 0
3.0.0 not working in chrome-44/googlebot
#143 opened by joshualloyd - 8
Initial state wrong
#109 opened by dbrgn - 0
Support angular-inview for nested containers (Should prevent the propagation of scroll event from child to container)
#140 opened by farshad9037 - 3
Not working for me on window scrolling
#138 opened by exetera - 1
- 4
Offset values
#118 opened by maartenvanbenthem - 0
Throttle vs delay
#137 opened by stoykostanchev - 2
no longer finds zero height divs visible
#135 opened by graingert - 2
no changelog for 2.3.0
#134 opened by graingert - 0
Percent in offset not calculating correctly
#131 opened by steevee - 8
Angular expression is not evaluated for an element when scrolling too fast by dragging the scrollbar
#102 opened by vinaynb - 0
- 0
Having only one element active as "in-view"
#128 opened by ErikTech - 3
Version for Angular2
#106 opened by slagod - 6
Detect active tab
#111 opened by dbrgn - 1
intersectRect fails testcase for height 0
#123 opened by VincentJ711 - 3
Not working in dynamic page
#112 opened by aswinkm3km - 4
Issues with ng-show/ng-hide
#113 opened by lopsided - 1
Negative offset
#117 opened by DeadcatDev - 1
- 1
IntersectionObserver & Performance
#114 opened by markgarity - 4
- 1
angular-inview.spec.js in v2.0.0-beta.1
#108 opened by pvnr0082t - 3
$inview is always true
#104 opened by shivakumaravula - 3
- 2
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Export the name of the module for npm
#89 opened by InsidersByte - 3
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$inView is always false when top and bottom offsets overlap (element has no 'virtual height')
#83 opened by Ben-Wormald - 1
in-view-container using windows height
#81 opened by ScottSpittle - 1
- 1
$inviewpart invert values in ionic list.
#79 opened - 1
Missing ignore in bower.json
#78 opened by Alexandre-io - 2
- 1
Can I destroy directive and its event?
#74 opened by webmatrixxxl - 3
Callback not called when the element become invisible due a dynamic ng-repeat on top of it
#101 opened by GMaxera - 1
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In view function not called
#90 opened by rj93 - 1
Minified version missing
#82 opened by JuhQ - 1
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