GitLab Analyzer


If you want to just run the webapp without any setup:

  1. Install Docker
  2. Install docker-compose
  3. Run docker-compose up in the project root. This will take a few minutes to download and build everything, but once it's done it'll tell you to visit http://localhost:3000. You'll find the webapp there.


  1. Install node.js (version 14 LTS recommended)
  2. In the project root, run docker-compose up -d db (you'll need to install docker and docker-compse, see instructions above): this command will start up the postgres database on port 5433 on your computer.
  3. In the project root, run npm install and then npm run bootstrap


  • packages/api: The backend server, which uses the Express and NestJS frameworks. In packages/api, run:
    1. npm run build && npm run migrate: to build the app and then run migrations to keep your database schema up to date
    2. npm run start:dev: start the server in development mode.
  • packages/webapp: The frontend, which is a React application. Run npm run start (in packages/webapp) to start the front end in development mode.