
A node client for the Datadiff API

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Datadiff Node Module

This is a simple node lib that creates a request client and sends a commit to the Datadiff API.


You can git clone this repo or simply copy and paste the datadiff.js file.

###Install with NPM### npm install datadiff --save


  1. Create a Datadiff account.
  2. Create a data source and obtain it's API credentials.
  3. Require the node module.
  4. Execute a commit to the Datadiff API.

The library sends a commit to the API via the commit method with the following arguments:

  1. The data model (object)
  2. The name of the collection/table
  3. The command (created|updated|deleted)
  4. The unique ID field. i.e _id for Mongo.
  5. A meta data object (optional)
  6. A callback function (optional)

Committing an update to the Datadiff API

In this example a customer has just updated their account.

var Datadiff = require('datadiff'),
    diff = new Datadiff({key: '**********', secret: '**********'});


// update account object
account.update(data, function(err, acc) {
	if(err) {
		// handle error
	diff.commit(acc.toObject(), 'accounts', 'updated', '_id', {action: 'updated account', src: 'accounts page on software'});