Welcome to the Number Guessing Game! This is a simple command-line game where the computer selects a random number, and you have to guess it. You have a limited number of chances to guess the number, and the game will end either when you guess the number correctly or run out of chances.
- Select a difficulty level to determine the number of chances:
- Easy: 10 chances
- Medium: 5 chances
- Hard: 3 chances
- Receive feedback on whether your guess is too high or too low.
- Track the number of attempts and time taken to guess the number.
- Option to play multiple rounds.
- Start the Game: Run the script to start the game.
- Select Difficulty Level: Choose from Easy, Medium, or Hard to set the number of chances you have.
- Enter Your Guess: Guess the number between 1 and 100.
- Receive Feedback: The game will tell you if the number is higher or lower than your guess.
- Win or Lose: The game ends when you either guess the correct number or run out of chances.
- Play Again: Decide if you want to play another round or exit.
Welcome to the Number Guessing Game!
I'm thinking of a number between 1 and 100.
You have 5 chances to guess the correct number.
Please select the difficulty level:
1. Easy (5 chances)
2. Medium (3 chances)
3. Hard (1 chance)
Enter your choice: 2
Great! You have selected the Medium difficulty level.
Let's start the game!
Enter your guess: 50
Incorrect! The number is less than 50.
Enter your guess: 25
Incorrect! The number is greater than 25.
Enter your guess: 35
Incorrect! The number is less than 35.
Enter your guess: 30
Congratulations! You guessed the correct number in 4 attempts.
It took you 12.34 seconds.
- Hint System: Implement a hint system that provides clues to the user if they are stuck..
- Score: Keep track of the user’s high score (i.e., the fewest number of attempts it took to guess the number under a specific difficulty level).
This project is part of the roadmap.sh challenge. The goal is to create a fully functional number guessing game that adheres to the specifications and requirements listed above.
- roadmap.sh for providing the challenge and inspiration.
- Python documentation for the language reference.