Repository for the development of a new version of QuickStatements
Required tools:
- Docker
- Make
To build the development container
> make build
To run a shell inside the container
> make shell
Make sure that you have an env file inside the local etc/ dir. This file contains all the ENVIRONMENT VARIABLES used by the system and must never be added to your git repo.
To generate a good secret key you can run with python 3.6+
python -c "import secrets; print(secrets.token_urlsafe())"
If you are running this container for the first time, you have to initialize the database and create a superuser for the Django ADMIN
> cd src
> python migrate
> python createsuperuser
Now that everything is set up, we can start Quickstatements. We have 2 ways of doing that:
- from inside the container, running
- from our Makefile, running
> make run
Now Quickstatements is available at http://localhost:8765/