My first attempt at a 3D engine using native JavaScript and WebGL.
I've made this in order to learn WebGL. If I cannot implement it, I don't understand it, right?! I've created this following the videos from ThinMatrix on YouTube. You should check it out
Live version here
The whole thing runs in the browser, but I use fetch to load objects, so you'll have to run it on a server.
In PHP you can just CD into the 3Dengine folder and type the bellow command to start a server at and navigate to that address:
php -S
Python 2
python -m SimpleHTTPServer 8080
Python 3
python3 -m http.server 8080
Click and hold the right button of the mouse to rotate te camera.
Middle wheel zoom in and out.
W, a, s, d move the pirate girl.
Space bar jumps.
As I Open Source this project you can make use of the code and the code alone. None of the 3D models or textures are mine, so I cannot give you permission for that. I have used them here with the purpose of learning along, no money was made with this project. I also don't know the creators of those files, that's why I don't link them here. If you are or know any of the creators, please let me know and I'll credit them here.