
Primary LanguageShellMIT LicenseMIT

nori's dotfiles

2020Jan31 Changes

1. bash_aliases

  • alias ll='ls -Alhr" --time-style=+"%y%m%d-%H%M"'

" sort by modification time newest last, verbose, human-readable sizes

  • alias lsd='ls -FAx --color --group-directories-first'

" sort by name, display in rows - default after cd, append indicators

  • alias lsx='ls -FAxX --color --group-directories-first'

" sort by extension, display in rows, append indicators

  • alias lmk='ls -FAm'

" sort by name, display in comma-separated list

2. bashrc

  • removed conda footprint

  • PS1='\W$'

  • wrapped in debug tags

  • restricted all settings to interactive shell

  • added two new bash functions

    cd () {
      command cd "$1" && clear && pwd && lsd
    mkdir () {
      command mkdir "$1" && cd "$1" 

3. vimrc

  • new plugins

  • see documentation at roam-thenorili-[[Vim]]

4. autokey

  • M-d = 2020Jan31

  • M-D = 2020-0131-1818

5. terminator-config

  • added color options for default font size

  • added nocolor options for default and small sizes

  • fixed broken site-dev layout

  • changed second small window to run 'git diff' on startup