
My ZSH Config

Primary LanguageShell

My ZSH Config

Configuration of GIT commiter

> cat ~/.gitcredentials
  name = "thenoseman"
  email = "some@example.com"

Essential settings

# Show task switcher on every display
defaults write com.apple.dock appswitcher-all-displays -bool true && killall Dock

# Change the whitespace settings value for icons in the menubar
defaults -currentHost write -globalDomain NSStatusItemSelectionPadding -int 6
defaults -currentHost write -globalDomain NSStatusItemSpacing -int 6

# Do not auto-boot when lid is opened (Original value: %03)
# See https://osxdaily.com/2017/01/19/disable-boot-on-open-lid-macbook-pro/
sudo nvram AutoBoot=%00

# YMMV: Disable boot sound
sudo nvram StartupMute=%01

MS Teams use virtualcam

sudo codesign --remove-signature "/Applications/Microsoft Teams.app"
sudo codesign --remove-signature "/Applications/Microsoft Teams.app/Contents/Frameworks/Microsoft Teams Helper.app"
sudo codesign --remove-signature "/Applications/Microsoft Teams.app/Contents/Frameworks/Microsoft Teams Helper (GPU).app"
sudo codesign --remove-signature "/Applications/Microsoft Teams.app/Contents/Frameworks/Microsoft Teams Helper (Renderer).app"
sudo codesign --remove-signature "/Applications/Microsoft Teams.app/Contents/Frameworks/Microsoft Teams Helper (Plugin).app"

Todos fresh install

Install InconsolataGo Nerd Font Complete Mono.ttf from zsh_config/home/extars/fonts.

Execute relink.

Execute update_all

Link from sync to $HOMEBREW_PREFIX/etc/wireguard

Link from sync to $HOMEBREW_PREFIX/etc/coredns/Corefile

Link amazon-shell-tools.sh from sync to zsh_config/home/.zsh/private

Create and fill zsh_config/home/.zsh/private/export.sh

Tool notes

zsh_config/home/.zsh/tools contains diverse tools like:

  • aws-vault-generate-binstubs.sh: Generates binstubs that wrap tools dependent on a AWS environment/credentials in aws-vault. Also allows to override the binary that is actually executed with aws-vault.
  • exif-renamer: Renames all images/videos in the directory and creates/sorts them to a nixe directory structure.
  • execute_maximized executes a command in a maximized iterm2 window