
Spring Boot Kubernetes samples

Primary LanguageJava

Spring Boot Kubernetes samples

Single service example

This is example of single Spring boot application deployment running behind NodePort service.

Clone this branch:

$ git clone https://github.com/thenswan/spring-boot-k8s-samples.git

Building and deploying service to local kubernetes node:

$ cd spring-boot-k8s-samples/alpha
$ ./deploy-to-k8s.sh
You can check out relevant commands in sh files, but basically it will:
  1. Build java .jar file
  2. Build docker image
  3. Create kubernetes deployment
  4. Create kubernetes service

To tear down what you created, run:

$ cd spring-boot-k8s-samples/alpha
$ ./clean-up.sh
This will:
  1. Remove built java .jar file
  2. Remove docker image
  3. Remove kubernetes deployment
  4. Remove kubernetes service

To check host and port of the app, run:

kubectl get svc alpha -o wide
You will get output something like this:
alpha   NodePort   <none>        8081:31552/TCP   25s   run=alpha

Note that EXTERNAL-IP denoted as <none>, url in this case will be: localhost:31552/api/alpha/hello

Check out external ip and port, then check out api:

curl host:port/api/alpha/hello

To dive deeper

Check out sh files and comments

Issues and PRs

...are very welcome!